Sometime ago, Angelina Jolie confessed she fell in love with Brad while filming "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" -- and while he was still married to Jen. Though we love Brangelina, on-the-job cheating sucks. And man-eating coworkers aren't occupational hazards just in Hollywood. Here, the top ways to prevent your guy from straying at work.
Hang with his co-workers. When you are available, join him at social events provided by his company or actually take him up on that invite to his office holiday party. "Making friends with his colleagues turns you into a 'real' person to them," says William July, PhD, author of "Confessions of an Ex Bachelor." "The other women he works with will be more likely to hang back if they can put a face to a name." Plus, your guy will feel extra bonded as a couple if he is able to share another part of his life with you.
Ask him questions.
If your guy feels like he can't talk to you about the stuff going on at work, he'll likely turn to someone else who understands (like his cute cubemate). And although it starts innocently, that kind of emotional intimacy can lead to trouble. Make a point to ask him how a difficult project is going or if anything funny happened that day. "That way, he'll be opening up to you instead of a female colleague he's working closely with," explains July. Besides, if you're well-versed in what's going on in his world, it'll be harder for him to pull that whole "I've got a big deadline -- must work late" excuse.
Stay on his mind. It's no secret that men are visual creatures. Take advantage of his dominant sense and give him a photo of you two to place on his desk. Just make sure the pic captures a moment when you both were having a blast together (like on a skiing trip or at a concert). "The photo will have more meaning and be a constant reminder of just how much fun he has with you," says July. "Looking at it will boost his mood, and his loyalty."
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