Call the Human Resources office of your potential employer and ask what their dress code is. If you go into the office to pick up an employment application then observe what the employees are wearing. The goal is to dress as if you already fit in with the current personnel. Step2
Wear solid-colored, conservative suits. Women should wear a coordinating blouse while men should wear a white, long-sleeve shirt and conservative tie. Step3
Polish your dress shoes. If you wear shoes that are dirty, cracked or dull then you're sending the message that you do not pay attention to detail. Step4
Make sure you are well groomed. Your hair should be combed and in place, your teeth brushed and you should be free of body odor. Step5
Keep the jewellery to a minimum. There shouldn't be any visible body piercings other than conservative earrings for women. Step6
Apply sparse makeup if you wear any at all. Too much makeup will make you appear flashy.
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